User's Guide

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Money isn't everything, but finances do play an important role in job satisfaction. Budgeting helps you determine the kind of lifestyle you will be able to afford with a particular occupation.

Developing a Budget

Pennsylvania CareerZone for Burgettstown Area SD budgeting tools allow you to explore your future finances. You will be asked to select a location and answer questions about your preferred lifestyle. The system will calculate average monthly costs and help you find occupations based on those costs. Logged in users can develop multiple budgets and return to them at any point to see the occupations that would support their choices.

Working Backwards from an Occupation

While exploring Pennsylvania CareerZone for Burgettstown Area SD, you may discover interesting occupations and wonder what kind of lifestyle these jobs support. When you use the Reverse Budget option, you can work backwards to figure out what you could afford based on typical salaries for this occupation.

For more information on the budget, you can visit the Developing a Budget Guide.

Pennsylvania Department of Education